Top 4 eCommerce Marketplace Trends For Be-The-Sellers

5 min readSep 11, 2020


eCommerce is finding every way to grow and undergo traction constantly. This new decade has seen many trends and changes on many levels in the eCommerce market.

For example, technological advances and therefore the application of AI has made it possible to mix the simplest of technology and therefore the human brain to realize even better results and more streamlined processes.

The eCommerce is additionally taking a replacement direction with the increase of niche marketplaces, cross-border trade, and social commerce.

At an equivalent time, the web sales environment is extremely competitive. Thanks to the competition, both prices and eCommerce advertising are on the increase. However, a channel like Instagram makes it necessary for several sellers to pick channels with the simplest ROI only. Merchants also got to explore new markets with lower competition.

The bottom line: to survive and thrive during this expanding eCommerce environment, marketplace sellers must stay top of the most recent trends.

In this article supported the trends and insights of Top 7 eCommerce Marketplace Trends For Be-The-Sellers, you’ll learn about:

  • The top 7 eCommerce trends for be-the-best sellers during the eCommerce transient era
  • Facts, stats, definitions, and use data to assist online merchants to grow their sales effectively & efficiently

Top 4 eCommerce Marketplace Trends For Be-The-Sellers

Top 4 eCommerce Marketplace Trends For Be-The-Sellers

#1 eCommerce marketplace trends: Niche marketplaces

When it’s difficult to compete within the established ecosystems of marketplaces like eBay and Amazon, niche marketplaces can give smaller sellers a competitive advantage.

Bigger marketplaces are an excellent thanks to inspecting product options in unfamiliar territories. However, they’ll be unable to satisfy the requirements of experienced buyers in search of specific products.

Often it’ll be niche marketplaces that provide a more prime set of specialized products in less demand, especially in fashion, jewelry, and health & well-being. Additionally, in-depth knowledge of specialized products can position sellers as an authority during a specific market segment.

What are niche marketplaces?

Niche marketplaces specialize in a narrow set of products, from one particular retail category, like apparel, automotive, or electronics. Niche sites specialize in doing a couple of things rather than multitasking like “sell-it-all” marketplaces. Thus, their approach is customer-centric, and that they deliver improved customer experience.

The benefits of niche marketplaces:

Increased trust: with better security technology, more and more shoppers are willing to shop for from niche sites. Customer trust and loyalty are additionally earned by specializing in one area.

Targeted marketing: rather than concentrating on the masses, the main target is on personalization and engagement. Products are often marketed to a selected range of consumers.

Improved & personalized customer experience: attention on a narrow product range means specialize in quality, not quantity, which frequently goes hand in hand with the top-quality user and customer experience.

#2 eCommerce marketplace trends: Advertising

Seeking customer’s attention is the area where every eCommerce market should focus on the eCommerce business battle. Additionally, being first in organic might not mean that much on marketplaces. As Amazon and other platforms have increased the prominence of paid ads, the primary organic result might not crop up until the center of the page.

According to Amazon, 76% of Amazon shoppers use the search bar to seek out an item, and search advertising may be a way for brands to face out among the competition.

What is Amazon Advertising?

Amazon Advertising may be a service that works during a similar thanks to pay-per-click ads on Google: sellers only pay when shoppers click on ads (regardless of whether the item sells).

Amazon’s advertising business is growing at a rapid pace, especially because it diversifies its products across its ecosystem. Amazon DSP (Demand Side Platform) allows sellers to programmatically display video ads on several media like, Fire TV Sticks,, Kindles, Freedive, apps, third-party sites, apps, and platforms.

The bottom line: finding the proper mixture of paid search, social media, and marketplace advertising are more essential than ever. Marketplace sellers must be laser-focused on getting the proper products ahead of the proper people.

#3 eCommerce marketplace trends: social shopping

Shopping on social platforms is now new normal with rich social experience. Although shopping online is convenient, it lacks many aspects of conventional shopping.

On social platforms, now users can share their experiences with their peers and friends about product feedback/suggestions.

What is social shopping?

Social shopping is the trend that landed in the online environment which refers to any purchase through social platforms. It takes mostly on social media apps and communities or may result from suggestions made by recommendation algorithms.

Social selling attracts 45% more business opportunities. It’s an economical thanks to capturing relevant traffic because it targets social media where customers spend many of their time. The highest brands engage in social selling: 98% on Twitter, 96% on Facebook, 85% on Instagram.

Examples and application of social eCommerce:

  • Facebook Messenger for Mass marketing
  • “Like” or “Tweet” buttons on product pages
  • Shoppable feeds and Instagram pages
  • Hashtags and tagging customer and product photos

#4 eCommerce marketplace trends: global eCommerce

eCommerce is growing steadily and on a worldwide scale. Consistent with Statista, retail market sales worldwide will reach $6.54 trillion in 2023 compared to $3.53 trillion in 2019.

The growing number of online marketplaces, buyers, and cross-border purchases has crossed 70% from foreign sites, said global eMarketers.

Furthermore, 80% of shops worldwide agree that cross-border trade has been profitable or that sellers have successfully increased sales the maximum amount as 1,000% after expanding their marketplace presence.

On eBay and Amazon, you’ll sell on markets with less competition and more sales potential. These are often foreign markets where local online sellers aren’t ready to offer specific products or meet the local demand.

The likelihood of satisfying the unmet demand abroad is one of the most important worldwide opportunities for eCommerce retailers.

Webnexs can help marketplace sellers leverage ads in different international markets. With access to data and vast eCommerce knowledge, we will help merchants achieve the simplest possible ROI. Build and grow your online marketplace sales now!

